Department of Hindi
About the Department
- To know importance of language.
- Hindi for employment.
- Human life and language.
- For Human growth learning language has power to bring changes.
Department Vision and Mission
Vision : Transformation through Literature and Human Values(“साहित्य तथा मानवीय मूल्यों के माध्यम से परिवर्तन।”)
Mission : Developing Intellectual Capacity and Life Skills(“बौध्दिक क्षमता और जीवन कौशल का विकास।”)
Hindi Department USPs:
Department of Hindi conducted various activities for students. Work Shop on NEP syllabus had been conducted as well as guest lecturers had been conducted. National level webinar gave more insight on the topic of Ramdhari Singh Dinkar ka Rachana Sansar. Department run book review activity once in a semester. To improve students’ LSW skill department conduct various activities on day to day basis.
Sl. No. | Title | Publisher | ISBN\ISSN No. | Year |
1. | Video Prasaran ki pravidhi | Vikas Publication | 978-93-90688-94-4 | 2022 |
2. | Mridula Sinha-ek avlokan | Akhand Publication | 978-81-959269-7-8 | 2023 |
3. | Mridula Sinha – Vaicharik vividhata | Akhand Publication | 978-81-959269-8-5 | 2023 |
Key Events
- Work Shop on NEP syllabus
- Guest lecturer on the topic of Employment opportunities in Hindi.
- National level webinar on the topic of Ramdhari Singh Dinkar ka Rachana Sansar.
Faculty Profile
Name: Dr. Ashwini Sachin Sadavarte
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: MA, Ph. D
Years of Experience: 18 years
Name: Dr. Pushpanjali Ranjan
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A, B.Ed., PhD
Email id:
Years of Experience: 08 years