B.Sc - Forensic Science

B.Sc Chemical Technician
Agriculture Scientist
Forensic Science

About the Department

Started in August 2022, the Forensic Science Department is committed to expanding expertise  in the area of forensic investigations. By combining biology, chemistry, physics, computer science and law, the department provides a multidisciplinary approach that gives students a thorough understanding of crime scene analysis, evidence handling, and criminal justice procedures. The department emphasizes theoretical learning and practical application, with the  help of excellent laboratories and knowledgeable teachers. The course is intended to develop  analytical abilities, critical thinking, and practical knowledge in fields such as chemistry,  toxicology, biology, serology, DNA technology, fingerprints, questioned documents, digital forensics, criminology, criminal law and many more. 

The department also strongly emphasizes on innovation,research, and cooperation with research  institutions and law enforcement organizations. The department actively collaborates with law  enforcement agencies and various industries, ensuring that our students gain real-world insights  and experience. Our objective is to provide skilled forensic experts who can support the  criminal justice system’s integrity and handle investigative challenges.

Department Vision & Mission

Vision: Inspire, Innovate and Excel
Mission: To Promote Creativity and Critical Thinking in Pursuit of Academic Excellence in Science and  Technology through Research

Program Educational Objectives

  1. Equip graduates with advanced scientific knowledge and cutting-edge technological  skills to effectively analyze and solve criminal investigations. 
  2. Cultivate graduates’ ability to differentiate between facts, opinions, and judgments  through a multi-disciplinary lens, fostering Analyzing and Evaluating skills. 3. Foster ethical and professional conduct among graduates, emphasizing the importance  of impartiality and objectivity in recognizing and interpreting evidence.

Program Outcomes (POs)

  1. Understand the basic and applied concepts of scientific knowledge to solve the criminal investigation.
  2. Integrate a strong commitment to ethical conduct, integrity & professionalism in their respective domain.
  3. Recognize the importance of life-long learning & professional development with equipped skills (critical bent of mind) to stay connect with the knowledge of science and technology.

Program offered


B.Sc Forensic Science

The Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science is a multidisciplinary undergraduate program that  combines science and criminal investigation. This program equips students with a strong  foundation in biology, chemistry, physics, criminology and law, applying scientific principles  to solve crimes and analyze evidence. 

Key highlights of the program include: 

  • Crime Scene Investigation: Techniques for evidence collection and preservation. 
  • Forensic Biology, Serology and DNA Profiling: Study of biological samples, analysis of  biological samples. 
  • Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology: Analysis of chemical evidence and toxicological  evidences, including drugs, explosives and poisons.  
  • Criminology and Criminal Law: Understanding the causes, consequences, and prevention of crime along with gaining expertise in laws governing various categories of  crimes. 
  • Digital and Cyber Forensics: Exploration of modern investigative tools for digital  crimes. 
  • Questioned Documents and Fingerprint Analysis: Examination of handwriting, forgery, and fingerprints. 
  • Forensic Psychology: Analyzing the motive behind a crime and mindset of the criminal  along with various psychological investigative assessments. 

The program emphasizes practical training in national recognized laboratories through  workshops, training and internships. Undergraduates are prepared for careers in forensic labs,  crime investigation units, legal consultancy, and higher studies in various branches of forensic sciences. This course is ideal for students with a keen interest in science and a passion for  justice. 

Value-Added Programs (VAP)

The Department of Forensic Science offers Value-Added Programs to enhance students’ skills  and knowledge beyond the regular curriculum. These programs are designed to provide  practical exposure, foster interdisciplinary learning, and develop industry-relevant expertise.  The VAPs provided are;


Value Added Programs (VAP) 

Total hours allocated


Digital Forensics with Kali 




Cyber Forensics 



Digital Forensics 



Instrumental techniques 



Fraud investigation 


USPs (Unique Selling Propositions

Academic Excellence – Expert lectures and Seminars 
Research & Innovation –Patents, Paper presentations at International/National  conference and publications at Scopus Indexed/UGC care listed Journals. 
Practical Exposure- Industrial visits, Hospitals, Science Gallery and Museums  4. Workshop: IISc, IIHR, Private Forensic Science Laboratories and Industries. 
Internships: At State and Regional Forensic Science laboratories from Government of  Karnataka. 
Entrepreneur Skills: BIEC, Tech Summit, TiE Global Summit etc. 
Technical innovations: VAPs for cyber forensics, digital forensics, scientific  analytical techniques and fraud investigations. 
Achievements: Awards at various events both curricular and co-curricular. 9. Outreach Program: Visits to different schools. 
Career Services:Job placement, resume building, and interview preparation tailored to  the forensic science field.

Research &Publications






Paper presentations  at International 




Dr. Nagalakshmi G 



Likhitha V K 




Shibin Rahman P C 



Theertha T 



Surabhi R 



Key Events

The Department of Forensic Science is dedicated to enhancing academic excellence and  professional expertise through the organization of impactful events that bridge theoretical  knowledge with practical application. These events cater to students, researchers, and  professionals, providing a platform for learning, collaboration, and innovation in forensic  science. Events includes; 

  1. Workshops: Hands-on experience on instrumental analyses at various research  institutions such as IISc, IIHR, Private Forensic Science Laboratories and other  industries. 
  2. Guest Lectures: Experts talk from various forensic domains such as Forensic Medicine  and Toxicology, Cyber Forensics, Crime Scene Management, etc.  
  3. Cyber Forensic Conclave: One day seminar and panel discussion with experts from  cyber and forensics domain.  
  4. Sustainable Exhibition: Model making on different products in compliance with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at International Conference organized by SIMS. 
  5. Conferences: Students attended various National Level and International Level  conferences presented papers and posters. 
  6. Industrial Visits: Fingerprint and Questioned Documents Labs, Forensic Medicine  Museum, Hospitals, Research Institutions, Courts, Police stations and industries. 
  7. Research Projects: Students are assigned with different research topics as a part of  innovative learning.  
  8. Practical Exposure: Students have visited various Police station and Law enforcement  agencies to get an exposure on roles and responsibility and functioning of those  department. 
  9. Achievements: Students has been received awards like Young Naturalist Awards,  Junior Environmentalist Awards and Insect Environmentalist Awards.  
  10. Outreach Program: Visits to different schools to provide knowledge and community  engagement among the school kids on various topics.

Details of Faculty members

Dr. Nagalakshmi. G  
Designation: Head of the Department (HoD)  
Qualification: M.Sc, PhD, PGCert 
Specialization: Biotechnology, Forensic Science  
Experience: 11 years  
E-mail ID:

Asst. Prof. Likhitha V K  
Designation: Assistant Professor  
Qualification: M.Sc, in Criminology and Forensic Science Specialization: Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice
Experience: 1.5 years
E-mail ID:

Asst. Prof. Shibin Rahman P C  
Designation: Assistant Professor  
Qualification: M.Sc in Forensic Science 
Specialization: Criminology and Forensic Science  Experience: 1 year 
E-mail ID:

Asst. Prof. Theertha T  
Designation: Assistant Professor  
Qualification: M.Sc in Forensic Science, UGC- NET  Specialization: Forensic Science 
Experience: 1 year 
E-mail ID:

Asst. Prof. Surabhi. R  
Designation: Assistant Professor  
Qualification: M.Sc in Forensic Science, FACT  
Specialization: Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology  Experience: 1 year 
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